Lot of three catalogues

Estimate: € 40.00 - € 80.00
Lot sold: € 6.25
Davide Nido - Spider map
Illustrated catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition held at Bonelli Contemporary, Los Angeles (March 1st - 30th, 2008)
22 x 24 cm
Edition of the gallery
No page numbers
No defects

Golba - Il giardino delle rose
Illustrated catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Comunale d'Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Arezzo (March - April 1992)
24 x 22 cm
Electa edition
Pages 135

Pier Paolo Celeste, Alessandra Giannitelli - Audaces fortna iuvat
Illustrated catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition held at MICRO - Rassegna di arti visive contemporanee (March 15th - 18th 2022)
21 x 21 cm
No page numbers
No defects